• Winer Ministries
  • Winer Ministries
  • Winer Ministries
  • Winer Ministries
  • Winer Ministries

Get a fresh impartation of faith. Revive your first love. Ignite  a fire for your destiny and release the spiritual energy to see your God-given goals come to pass!


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Submit and post a testimony of
what God has done in your life
through this ministry.


Events Calendar

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"Many thanks for coming to our Men’s Training Conference. The Lord used you to impart a great blessing to the men, to challenge them for a life

in faith and expectancy to our great God who wants to do more than we can pray and think of. It was great to start with “Grace” and to give a clear vision and direction to the men not to live just for themselves but to pass on the best message of all times. You imparted your heart and passion as well

as practical steps to take like the V.I.P List- thes...

And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain?
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be
That Thou, my Lord, should die for me

Read More


john_bevere.jpg"The most successful churches and ministries I have seen today are reaching out to raise up the youth. Bob and Rose Weiner are having a direct impact on the next generation and youth all over the world are being trained to be leaders and world changers for Christ. Through their ministry, you will be charged and encouraged to reach out to the ‘sons and daughters’ spoken of by the Prophet Joel."

--John Bevere - Author / Speaker - Messenger International

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