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Repentance Baptism The Holy Spirit Communion
smallcross2.jpg by Bob
and Rose
What is true
baptism-1.jpg by Bob
and Rose
The nature
and purpose
of baptism.
holyspirit.jpg by Bob
and Rose
you wanted
to know.
communion_thumb.jpg by Bob
and Rose
The im-
of the

Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784)phillis-wheatley.jpg

Sold into slavery in Africa at the age of 7
Brought to Boston and purchased by
John Wheatley, Converted to Chrisitainty
Educated, and the first published
African author in America.

SOON as the sun forsook the eastern main
The pealing thunder shook the heav'nly plain;
Majestic grandeur! From the zephyr's* wing,
Exhales the incense of the blooming spring.
Soft purl* the streams, the birds renew their notes,
And through the air their mingled music floats.

Through all the heav'ns what beauteous dies are spread!
But the west glories in the deepest red:
So may our breasts with ev'ry virtue glow,
The living temples of our God below!

Fill'd with the praise of Him who gives the light,
And draws the sable curtains of the night,
Let placid slumbers sooth each weary mind,
At morn to wake more heav'nly, more refin'd;

So shall the labours of the day begin
More pure, more guarded from the snares of sin.
Night's leaden sceptre seals my drowsy eyes,
Then cease, my song, till fair Aurora* rise.

*zephyr- a gentle breeze

*purl- to flow with a murmuring


*Aurora- the dawn

Other Poems

A Psalm of Life

And Can it Be

Above the Hills of Time

And Can it Be

Be Thou My Vision

Cast out Again

Christ Arose!

Christ Beside Me

Christ the Lord is Risen Today!

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

For the Beauty of the Earth

Found in Translation


from The Prelude

God of Grace and God of Glory

Hark the Hearld Angel Sings

He Leadeth Me

Holy Spirit, Truth Divine

Hymn of the Evening

I Surrender All

Joy to the World

Like a River Glorious


My Faith Looks Up to Thee

National Hymn - God of Our Fathers

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

O, The Deep, Deep, Love of Jesus

Parable of Immortality


Sweet Hour of Prayer

The Battle Hymn of the Reformation

The Building of the Ship

The Church's One Foundation

The Landing of the Pilgrims

This Present Crisis

Three Days

We've A Story to Tell to The Nations

petrusf.jpg"I was so stunned during the Weiner's conference Born Again '97 in India and could hardly believe what I saw. It was a historical moment for India and the rest of the world."

--Dr. Petrus Agung, Church Planter in Indonesia

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