View of God

1. Man centered:Point of contact with non-Christian is love (God loves you).
Therefore, God’s authority is secondary.

2. God centered:Point of contact with non-Christians is creation (God loves you and made you). Therefore, God has authority over your destiny.

1. Man centered:Love is God’s chief attribute.

2. God centered: Holiness and love are equally important attributes of God.

1. Man centered:God is impotent before the sinner's will.

2. God centered: God is able to empower the sinner's will.

1. Man centered:God is a friend who will help you.

2. God centered:God is a merciful King who will save you and calls you into sonship and friendship.

View of Humanity

1. Man centered:Fallen, yet has the ability or potential to choose the good.

2.God centered:Fallen, but not able to come to God unless the Spirit draws him.

1. Man centered:Seeks truth but lacks facts.

2. God centered:Mind at enmity with God; none seek God.

1. Man centered: Needs, love, help, and friendship.

2. God centered: Needs a new nature (new heart) regeneration.

1. Man centered: Makes mistakes, is imperfect, needs forgiveness.

2. God centered:Rebel’s against God, has a sinful nature, needs reconcilliation and redemption.

1. Man centered: Needs salvation from the consequences of sin—unhappiness and hell.

2. God centered: Needs salvation from guilt and the power of sin.

1. Man centered:Humanity is sick and ignorant.

2.God centered: Humanity is dead and lost.

View of Christ

1. Man centered: Savior from selfishness, mistakes, hell.

2. God centered:Savior from sin and sinful nature and the idolatry of self.

1.Man centered: God exists for our benefit.

2.God centered:God exists to gather a kingdom, to receive honor and glory, and to birth sons and daughters and bring them into His image.

1. Man centered:His death was more important than his life.

2. God centered:His death land his life of obedience equally important.

1. Man centered: Emphasizes his priestly office—as Savior.

2. God centered:Emphasizes his priestly, kingly, and prophetic offices.

1.Man centered:Submission to Christ’s Lordship is optional for salvation.

2. God centered: Submission to Christ’s Lordship is necessary for salvation.

View of Response to Christ

1. Man centered: Invitation waiting to be accepted now.

2.God centered: Loving command to be obeyed now.

1.Man centered: Our choice is the basis for salvation God—God responds to our decision.

2.God centered:God’s choice is the basis for salvation; we respond to God's initiative.

1. Man centered:We give mental assent to the truths of the Gospel—decision.

2. God centered:We respond with our whole person (mind, heart, and will) transformation.

1. Man centered: Appeal is made to the desires of the sinner.

2. God centered:Truths are driven home into the conscience of the sinner.

1. Man centered: Saved by faith alone, no emphasis on repentance.

2. God centered:Saved by faith alone—always accompanied by repentance.

1.Man centered: Assurance of salvation comes from a counselor using the promises of God and pronouncing the new believer saved.

2. God centered: Assurance of salvation comes from inner witness of the Holy Spirit giving the inner knowledge of God, revealing Jesus Christ and biblical promises to the heart, and effecting a changed life.

1. Man centered: Sinners have the key in their hands.

2. God centered:God has the key to their hearts.

untitled-3.jpg"I have never met any man in the ministry like Bob Weiner. Every message is a missile aimed at the heart of believers and preachers alike. Bob's unique ministry of faith and vision is unparalleled in the Body of Christ. At this year's Global Strategy Conference he ministered powerfully to all our international delegates and our local leaders. I recommend Bob highly."

--Wendell and Gini Smith, Senior Pastor - The City Church - Seattle, WA

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