By Bob and Rose Weiner
The recession is over and a stock market boom is on, the likes of which have not been experienced since 1948! So much for the doomsayers. Freedom and liberty always gives rise to prosperity.
"For the first time ever, mankind is reaching a consensus on the best form of economy: free markets. At the rate we're going, the wave of reform will soon engulf the planet and leave any non-free-market countries trapped in a backwater of poverty. When poverty becomes a regional exception instead of the rule, socialist and totalitarian leaders will be killed or ousted ...
"For the first time ever, mankind is reaching a consensus on the best form of government: representative, multi-party democracies. Reports of reform and revolution are pouring in from everywhere." (James H. Rutz, 1700 Years is Long Enough, Open Churches Ministries, Costa Mesa, Calf., p.36-37)
For the first time the free nations of the world have united against a would be aggressor and have defeated him before he could ravage and pillage the world, showing that this type of nation building will never be tolerated again. The war of tongues is fading as the English language is rapidly sweeping the world. Every serious student must know English. This makes massive communication.
The stage is being set, not for some one world government of "antichrist," but for the Dominion of the Lamb. That "stone cut out of the mountain" which struck the golden image in the book of Daniel is destined to become a great mountain that will fill the whole earth with fruit, for the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ. The great harvest of the gentile nations is being prepared to be gathered in and the nation of Israel shall be saved.
What still lies between now and victory remains to be seen. Communism is dead. Dialectical materialism has been the best appetizer for Christian truth ever invented. The crumbling evil empire has turned into the greatest red hot mission field, so vast that the Western church hardly knows where to start.
In China since the Tiennenman Square massacre, according to Feb. 3, 1990 World, "In at least seven cities ... students have indicated ... that as many as 10% of entire student bodies have converted. In some cases entire dorms or even faculties have all become Christians." According to one lecturer at Xiamen University, "I would defy anyone to walk from one building to another on this campus and not bump into a group of students having a Bible study in the open air."
We are left with four worldwide religious forces capable of taking the lead - Christianity, Islam, the New Age, and humanism. Islam is dictatorial and on a collision course with free markets, free voting, etc. It is the number one competition because of the stronghold on its people. In the recent war that stronghold has been shaken to the point of being broken and they too will not be able to resist freedom nor Christianity.
The New Age can be discounted. It is based on Hinduism which has never accomplished anything. Secular humanism has tried and failed. While it is still the incumbent in many places of the West, it is on its way our to be replaced by something greater.
Because of the power that God is unleashing world wide, business as usual will not do anymore. The battle has shifted gears and now the battle for the entire planet's faith is coming our way. There is no seminary in the world able to grind out enough graduates to fill the pulpits and feed the converts in this new harvest field.
The answer - the listening laity who have never have been viewed as ready for prime time must be released into the harvest field. The great commission was given on that Judean hillside almost 2000 years ago, not to twelve apostles alone, it was given to all those who would believe. And Jesus promised that he would send signs with those believers to confirm His Word. Jesus said they were qualified. Who is to say they are not?
Copyright © Bob and Rose Weiner 2007 All Rights Reserved