WEINER MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL is a ministry dedicated to establishing the Kingdom of God on earth through evangelism, world-missions, reaching university students with the gospel, church planting, and leadership training. Our goal is to win, build, equip and send laborers into the harvest fields to make disciples of all nations.
The Decade of the 70's - 80's

God gave them a revival among the youth in
Kentucky. In an effort to disciple those young converts and help them
grow spiritually, God led Bob and Rose to found Maranatha Churches and
Campus Ministries (1972-1989). This ministry was an evangelical
outreach to university students with locations on 150 campuses in 20
Maranatha was one of the first groups during
the decades of the 70's & 80's to plant Spirit-filled churches on
university campuses. This ministry focused on Christ's great commission
to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptize them, and teach them
to observe all that I have commanded you" (Matt. 28:19-20).
Bob and Rose have taken seriously Jesus'
command to make disciples of all nations. This will have great social
implications and includes 3 Rs-Revival, Reformation of society, and
Restoration of the New Testament Church. The foundation of this
discipleship is to be built on personal salvation and kingdom
living-true repentance in turning away from all sin, submission to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ in self-surrender, baptism in water, and
baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Daniel make it possible to click on
Revival, Reformation of Society and Restoration of the New Testament
Bob and Rose Weiner are the co-authors of
several Bible-study and spiritual growth books widely acclaimed in the
Christian market and sold worldwide. Bible Studies for a Firm
Foundation, their first study guide, has been printed in over twenty
languages. (Daniel here click on bible and spiritual growth books as
well as bible studies for a Firm foundation to take you to the books at
the store)
The Decade of the 90's
Moscow/ Soviet block
After explaining to this young man that this group was a false cult,
Bob cried out, "Lord where are the apostles to establish your church."
The Lord spoke to him, "You are it. I have chosen you." Bob argued with
the Lord and said, "Lord since our decentralization I only have my
wife, one secretary, and no laborers, and no money. What can I do?" The
Lord told Bob, "I want you to train tens of thousands of young people
to win 10 souls each. If they do a good job with 10, I'll give them 20,
then 50, then 100, then thousands.
To accomplish this task the Lord gave Bob a strategy. Bob called all
the bishops of the underground church as well as the few Spirit filled
churches that were there and told them to send their most dedicated
young people to be interviewed for a mission. Two hundred young people
came, and out of these he found 20 who qualified.
Bob then sent these 20 out-2 by 2-to 300 cities
and all major universities. They were instructed to find one person
from each city or university who had experienced a radical encounter
with God. After two and a half months, they were to come back to Moscow
with one person from each city or university to a Bible conference in
Moscow with all expenses paid. Those 300 came and were baptized in
water and filled with the Holy Spirit.
During this time, these 300 young people won
4,000 people to Jesus and were able to bring 2,500 of them back to
Moscow for the Bible conference. There in the heart of Moscow, in a
nation once dedicated to spreading atheism throughout the world, over
600 of these young people in attendance were publicly baptized in the
swimming pool built for former Olympic athletes.
Bob and Rose sent these delegates back to 12 times zones to win others and start cell groups. Every month Bob and Rose held a conference and went back to the states to raise money for the next one. At each conference the delegates were sent out to preach, start cell groups and bring their new converts back. These conferences were held every month for two years. Then over the next few years they held these training conferences every two months, then every quarter. The majority of those who attended these conferences were new converts to Christianity.
Bob and Rose now turned their vision to India
to a nation of 1.1 billion people that had only 1½% of the population
that claimed to be Christians. Bob was led to hold Born Again '97-the
largest congress for Christian students in the history of India up to
that time.
The fruit of this effort led to 12,400 university students being accepted to attend the Born Again congress out of 100,000 applications. God moved miraculously. Eight thousand students were filled with the Holy Spirit at one time, and 6000 came forward to commit to full-time ministry after their graduation. With the help of those who partnered with Bob and Rose for this Indian mission, God provided 60,000 hotel rooms, 300,000 meals and 20,000 Bibles for equipping these young people. Many of these young people are now engaged in Christian work all over India.
When Bob first went to Indonesia in the ‘80's,
religious freedom was limited. As a consequence, Christians could only
meet together in fellowship groups. The government did not officially
recognize or allow these groups to be Christian churches.
Through Indonesian international
students who were won to the Lord Jesus through Maranatha Campus
Ministries in the States, Bob was able to get official status as a
church. As a result, religious liberty spread and the doors were opened
for all the other Christian fellowships to be officially recognized by
the government to start their own churches as well.
Bob has held numerous conferences since, and has a vision of one million students saved and established in churches in the next five years.