peter wagnerf.jpg“Through many, many years Bob Weiner has been one of my heroes of the faith. I am amazed at his giftedness, his energy, his stamina, his vision, and his wisdom. Few people have raised up laborers for the harvest in the quantity and quality that Bob has. I am excited about his strategy to see one million young people entering God’s army full time! This will be a transforming force for our nation!”
--Dr. C. Peter Wagner, Chancellor - Wagner Leadership Institute




untitled-3.jpg"I have never met any man in the ministry like Bob Weiner. Every message is a missile aimed at the heart of believers and preachers alike. Bob's unique ministry of faith and vision is unparalleled in the Body of Christ. At this year's Global Strategy Conference he ministered powerfully to all our international delegates and our local leaders. I recommend Bob highly."
--Wendell and Gini Smith, Senior Pastor - The City Church - Seattle, WA




rickjoynerf.jpg"Bob and Rose Weiner's Bible Studies have helped countless thousands of new believer's become established on sound Biblical truth. We have also found that believers of all ages have benefited greatly from them. Many even go through them once a year to strengthen their foundations. It is understandable that they are now considered a standard for such studies."
--Rick Joyner - Morningstar Ministries and Publications




ronlucef.jpg"Bob Weiner is one of the most incredible visionaries of our day. He dares to dream impossible dreams because he knows how great God is. He has proven to have a heart for young people that is passionate about seeing them raised up around the world to become the leaders of their generation. I thank God for his drive and determination to do whatever it takes to rescue our teens and turn the hearts of the older generation to the importance of reaching out to the young."
--Ron Luce - President & Founder of Teen Mania Ministries





mikebickf.jpg“Bob and Rose Weiner's passion for Jesus and for the lost is contagious. For many years we have seen the good fruit from their leadership in mobilizing young people. The vision and strategy that God has given them to raise up 1 million full time young people to go into the harvest fields to win back the United States and the World for Jesus is doable and inspiring. I recommend Bob and Rose Weiner's ministry and I believe that any investment you make will result in good fruit.”
--Mike Bickle - International House of Prayer of Kansas City





john_bevere.jpg"The most successful churches and ministries I have seen today are reaching out to raise up the youth. Bob and Rose Weiner are having a direct impact on the next generation and youth all over the world are being trained to be leaders and world changers for Christ. Through their ministry, you will be charged and encouraged to reach out to the ‘sons and daughters’ spoken of by the Prophet Joel

--John Bevere - Author / Speaker - Messenger International





louenglef.jpg“Bob and Rose Weiner have for the last 30 years been at the forefront of breakthrough ministries for college students around the world. Their gift of faith for mobilization has effected Christianity worldwide. I love their fire and once again, a breaker anointing is moving with them for a fresh wave of campus awakening. It would be a fearful thing if they weren’t on our side.”


--Lou Engle - President of The Call





dr.shibley.jpg"Born Again '97 was one of the greatest ministry opportunities of my life! Bob, I truly believe your congress will go down as a landmark event toward the evangelization of India. The entire Body of Christ is indebted to you and Rose for your faith and vision that made this conference a reality."


--Dr. David Shibley - Founder, Global Advance





petrusf.jpg"I was so stunned during the conference and could hardly believe what I saw. It was a historical moment for India and the rest of the world."






– Dr. Petrus Agung, Church Planter in Indonesia




markchironna.jpg"I've known Bob for a long time and I've observed his ministry. There's tremendous power. I

mean God shows up when he ministers. Signs, wonders..."



--Dr. Mark Chironna - Author, Teacher, TBN Television Host



mikebickf.jpg“Bob and Rose Weiner's passion for Jesus and for the lost is contagious. For many years we have seen the good fruit from their leadership in mobilizing young people. The vision and strategy that God has given them to raise up 1 million full time young people to go into the harvest fields to win back the United States and the World for Jesus is doable and inspiring. I recommend Bob and Rose Weiner's ministry and I believe that any investment you make will result in good fruit.”

--Mike Bickle - International House of Prayer of Kansas City

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