We live in a time like no other. Those who are alive today are called "to such a time as this." (Esther 4:14) Every person who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ has a destiny and a call to take place in this end time move - to lead others to the Lord, and to raise up the Church as Jesus intended. There are no bystanders.

More people are coming to know the Lord now than ever before. In fact, half of all of the people who have ever lived are now living on the earth -- and the fields are ripe for harvest. More than 200,000 people worldwide receive salvation everyday - some 35,000 in Latin America alone. That's amazing when you consider than in 1900, there were only about 50,000 evangelical believers in Latin America altogether.

Similar progress is being made all over the globe. One hundred million believers stand strong in China, with 27,000 a day born again. In 1950, there were fewer than one million total. God is eager for His Bride to come forth, and for His heirs - you and I - to walk in our full identity and power and authority as sons and daughters of God. (Rom.8:19) That's what this ministry is all about.


  • Quite simply, we desire to see more than a million trained for Christian leadership before the Lord returns and more than a billion worldwide come into the kingdom.
  • We desire to release faith, activate youth and those called to leadership, and to manifest the power and authority given by Jesus to us as disciples in every person who names Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • We do this through reaching university campuses throughout the world and our nation. We do this through leadership and training congresses and seminars across the globe. We do this through releasing every member as a minister and establishing cell churches around the earth. We do this through the power of the Holy Spirit and a desire birthed in the heart of God.
  • We do this with your help, your prayers, and your faith to step into the place of leadership and purpose God has for you!

rickjoynerf.jpg"Bob and Rose Weiner's Bible Studies have helped countless thousands of new believer's become established on sound Biblical truth. We have also found that believers of all ages have benefited greatly from them. Many even go through them once a year to strengthen their foundations. It is understandable that they are now considered a standard for such studies."

--Rick Joyner - Morningstar Ministries and Publications

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